upcoming events

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THursday, May 9, 2024

Media Training 101: Meeting the Press
w/ Olivia Coryell
Where: Zoom (linked on Membership calendar)
When: 12 - 1:30PM EST

Based out of Denver, CO, Olivia Coryell is a communications manager focusing on ESPN+, The Walt Disney Company's leading direct-to-consumer sports streaming service. In her time at ESPN, Coryell has worked on communications efforts for X Games, Brand Marketing, Corporate Citizenship, esports and more. Coryell is a proud graduate of Florida State University.

Monday, MAY 20, 2024

You’re the Only One I’ve Told: The Stories Behind Abortion
Where: Zoom
When: 8-9:30 PM EST

For a long time, when people asked Dr. Meera Shah, Chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic, what she did, she would tell them she was a doctor and leave it at that. But when she started to be direct about her work as an abortion provider an interesting thing started to happen: one by one, people would confide that they'd had an abortion themselves. The refrain was often the same: You're the only one I've told. 

This book collects these stories as they've been told to Shah to humanize abortion and to combat myths that persist in the discourse that surrounds it. A wide range of ages, races, socioeconomic factors, and experiences shows that abortion always occurs in a unique context.  

Today, a healthcare issue that's so precious and foundational to reproductive, social, and economic freedom for millions of people is exploited by politicians who lack understanding or compassion about the context in which abortion occurs. Stories have the power to break down stigmas and help us to empathize with those whose experiences are unlike our own.


Kickstarting Your Freelance Career
w/ Mary Elisabeth Frediani
Where: Zoom (linked on Membership calendar)
When: 12 - 1:30PM EST

Mary Elisabeth is a NH-based writer and editor with a background in marketing and education. She's been freelancing for 8 years, the last 4.5 of which she's been working for herself full-time. When she's not quibbling over comma placement and sentence structure, she's going on adventures with The Dog, gaming with The Boy, reading, and writing poetry.

TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2024

Working With Emotions: Where Entrepreneurship and Grief Meet
w/ Madison T. Clark
Where: Zoom (linked on Membership calendar)
When: 3 - 4:30PM EST

Madison T. Clark is the founder and CEO of Grief Cards, where she makes sympathy cards that don't suck. She is also a full-time freelance writer and has worked in education for over six years. When she's not working, you can find her cheering at KC Current games or playing in queer sports leagues. 


Event Planning: Building Community & Supporting the Creative Economy
w/ Haley Tinkle
Where: Zoom (linked on Membership calendar)
When: 12 - 1:30PM EST

Haley Tinkle is an award-winning event planning expert with nearly a decade of experience. She holds the position of Director of Events at Downtown Vision Inc., the business improvement district in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. When she initially joined Downtown Vision, the organization had one signature event, a fundraiser, and two promotional events. Now, after four years of working with DVI, there are three core events: First Wednesday Art Walk, Third Thursday Sip & Stroll, and Jax River Jams, along with two fundraisers, the #DTJax Awards and the #DTJax Gala. Tinkle oversees and plans all of these events, from conceptualization to implementation. Her award-winning events bring together the various neighborhoods of Jacksonville to enjoy the heartbeat of the city, Downtown.